Created and produced by Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek the New Generation became an American Science TV Fiction. The episodes follows the adventures of the crew of the Galaxy class USS enterprise, a 24th century star ship. As the United federation of Planets flagship, described as an interstellar federal polity. The Enterprise is designed for both exploration and diplomacy but if necessary also in combat situations. The Enterprise's crew contact and discovers a lot of races and species whom they interact as part of their human condition exploration.
The first season of the series was released on DVD in March 2002. The six first season episodes were each nominated for an Emmy award. Won the following awards for outstanding editing sound for series, outstanding costume design for a series and outstanding achievement in Makeup for a series. In the second season, the five second season episodes were nominated for six Emmy and won the outstanding sound editing for a series and outstanding sound mixing for a dram series. On its six third season episodes it was nominated for eight Emmy and won for both outstanding sound editing for a series and best Art direction for a series. In its fourth season episodes were nominated for eight Emmy and won both for outstanding sound editing in a series and outstanding sound mixing for a series. Seventh fifth season episodes were nominated for eight Emmy and won the following awards such as outstanding individual achievement in costume design for a series, outstanding individual achievement in Makeup for a series, outstanding individual achievement in Special Visual effects and Hugo award for best dramatic presentation. The sixth season episodes were nominated for Emmy and won both the following awards; outstanding individual achievement in Costume design for a series and outstanding individual achievement in Hairstyling for a series. Lastly on its seventh season were nominated for nine Emmy. In 2008, Empire placed Star Trek on their list of the “the 50 greatest TV shows of all time.
So if you're thinking if watching Star Trek the Next Generation is worth of your time, then answer is – Yes! Its highly recommended to add this amazing TV series on your DVD collection and make your life entertaining.